Paulus Gate
The Paulustor in Fulda was built between 1709 and 1711 according to plans by Johann Dientzenhofer. The gate, which was initially between the city palace and the main guard, was moved in 1771 by the building inspector Karl Philipp Arnd at the request of the prince-bishop Heinrich von Bibra to his current location at the end of the Pauluspromenade and provided with side buildings. The historian Werner Kirchhoff noted that the gate earlier stood at the main guard at the main guard in the dividing wall between the monastery district and the city and that the transfer to the current location was a political manifestation: “Von Bibra thus abolished the separation between the monastery area and the city and documented that the previous subjects were now citizens. " Its existence was threatened several times. First in 1871, when the new Prussian government in Berlin and Kassel always came up with new "subtleties" towards Fulda. Finally, the city, headed by Mayor Franz Rang, bought the Paulustor from the Treasury for 200 Reichstaler to prevent the demolition.